
Application Requirements
You need to be at least 18 years old to take the course. The course is suitable for speakers of English even if English is not your first language. All applicants must have an awareness of language and a competence in English which enables them to prepare to teach a range of levels. If you’re wondering whether the course fits your needs and character, it’s worth taking a(nother) look through the ‘Self-check’ if you haven’t done so yet.

Self-check: Is the Cambridge CELTA the right course for you?

The CELTA course is as challenging as it is rewarding, and therefore it’s worth reading through the following ‘self-check’ to get an idea if it’s what you’re looking for.
If you can answer YES or PROBABLY to every question, then the CELTA is right for you!

A few tips

- Give yourself enough time to complete the application form. Most people find that the application form is very challenging in places, and it should be; you wouldn’t want to be on a course that’s too easy to get accepted to!
- Keep in mind that the language awareness tasks aren’t testing your knowledge of the rules of English grammar; you may be able to complete some of the tasks using what you know, but if you feel you need to, DO use one of the resources we mention to help. Your ability to work things out, with the support of resources, is a skill you’ll need on the course and in a teaching job.
- It’s not unusual that we review an application form and ask the applicant to redo one or two tasks. If this happens to you, please don’t be put off by it– We need to feel certain that everyone we accept has a very good chance of completing the course successfully, and we are therefore extra thorough in screening applicants.

How to apply

The application procedure involves submitting a registration form and a brief pre-interview task, after which an oral interview is arranged (the interview can be done by telephone/skype).

1. the course

2. personal details

3. education / training / experience


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