What is the CELTA?

The Cambridge CELTA is the most widely recognised initial qualification in teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL), recognised by language schools in dozens of countries around the world. Over 10,000 candidates gain the qualification each year. Great importance is attached to quality control and this is assured in a number of ways, including approval and moderation by Cambridge English Language Assessment, part of the world famous University of Cambridge. The CELTA is, in short, the qualification you want to have if you plan to seek employment as an English language teacher in a quality language school, and is the most widely recognised TEFL course. When your prospective employer sees that you have completed the CELTA– and at a reputable training centre– you are in a far better position than applicants who don’t have the Cambridge qualification.

The course will

- introduce you to the principles of effective teaching
- help you understand more about the English language
- provide you with a range of practical skills for teaching English to adult learners
- give you hands-on teaching practice with real students
- build your confidence in the classroom.

Self-check: Is the Cambridge CELTA the right course for you?

The CELTA course is as challenging as it is rewarding, and therefore it’s worth reading through the following ‘self-check’ to get an idea if it’s what you’re looking for.
If you can answer YES or PROBABLY to every question, then the CELTA is right for you!

How is the part-time CELTA different?

The main things that differentiate the part-time CELTA from the fulltime format is the amount of time of course contact per week (3 half-days versus 5 full days) and the number of weeks (12 weeks versus 4). Normally our part-time CELTA runs over a 12 week period, meeting on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 9.30-14.00. Teaching Practice is on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and ‘input’ (seminars and workshops) on Friday mornings. Week 1 and Week 7 are an exception—These normally have ‘input’ on all three days.

What is a typical day like on the full time ONLINE Cambridge CELTA course?

9:00-12:00 Teaching Practice (TP). Your group of 5 or 6 teacher trainees teach a class of students learning English, most of whom are from Hungary, via the Zoom platform. Your tutor and other trainees watch the lessons. Sometimes tutors teach the group, so you have an opportunity to watch an experienced teacher working with your students
12:00-12:30 Break. You’ll notice a healthy number of breaks built into our schedule, all the more important when doing online teaching and training.
12:30-13:30 Feedback. You have the chance to discuss your lesson with fellow trainees and the tutor and some good ideas for moving forward in your teaching.
13:30-14:30 LUNCH!
14:30-15.30 Assisted Lesson Preparation (ALP). You discuss the lessons for the next day with your tutor and peers.
15:30-16:00 Break
16:00-17:30 Seminars and workshops. The trainers give practical input sessions to get you thinking and give you lots of practical teaching ideas in all the key areas. Interactive, challenging and really enjoyable.
On some days you also do observation of experienced teachers, for example one of the trainers teaching the practice lesson students. You’ll notice the skills and techniques used and spot what you can borrow for your own lessons.
We use the Zoom platform for all interactive elements—teaching practice, feedback, assisted lesson planning, input and tutorials. We use Google Classrooms for course administration and communication.

Why would someone do the part-time course instead of fulltime?

The part-time CELTA is ideal for those whose work or family commitments make the fulltime course impossible. The part-time format is also good for individuals who either want to take more time to absorb course content, or who would otherwise find the fulltime format too intensive and rigorous.
As always, if you would like to discuss which format might be best for you, feel free to get in touch with us!